Machine upgrades
Bail-O-Matic Plastic Can and Empty Can Run Kits
Machine Upgrades
- Bail-O-Matic Plastic Can Kit – Many customers have been changing over to run plastic cans instead of metal. HEISLER offers a kit to allow the bailer to attach handles to plastic cans. Several kits are available depending on the individual requirements. The kit can be purchased to enable the machine to switch back and forth between metal and plastic or convert strictly to plastic. The kit includes modified curling dies, ear lifters, and in the case of dual operation, a mechanical retrofit to the conveyor to quickly adjust the conveyor height at the bailing section for the difference in can heights.
- Bail-O-Matic Empty Can Run Kit – In some cases, bailing is to be performed on empty cans. HEISLER offers a kit to enable this to happen for either metal or plastic cans. For metal cans, a magnetic strip is available to mount on the conveyor. For plastic cans, a non contact sensor package is available to enable the can to travel through the can escapements and bailing section without influence of mechanical limit switches.